Yes, exactly! But I would say, Career and Technical Education Has To Become ....... less fragmented and left to chance altogether. I suppose the current situation is a result of the lack of accreditation and minimal/no tuition, as well as the lack of respect for anything but four year colleges.

But what's the answer? Mostly people just need information. Small offices funded at the county or regional level to gather information and support admissions? I want vocational education to grow - we need it, our kids need it! - without becoming prey for private equity the way early intervention and services for school-aged kids have.

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Laura, great post. Thanks!

CTE should be better, indeed. Inadequacies have been documented, but benefits of it have been shown, too (Dougherty et al., 2018, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1044207318771673 ).

The post-secondary path should not be limited to higher education. Local education agencies should do a better job of providing career paths (from ambulance dispatcher to zoo caregiver).

To be sure, educators should be enabling students to find and pursue beneficial paths. Let's help kids succeed!

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