Mar 7Liked by Laura McKenna

I am a big fan of your blog and applaud your work with your son and your new business. I'm sure many will benefit. I take issue, however, with the way you described day programs, "He was too smart for day programs that babysat young adults with higher needs." My daughter is also smart. She is quirky and interesting. She has travelled the world with me and wants all those things typical young adults want. She also needs a day program that offers her instruction, community and some fun. The staff at her day program engages with her, fosters relationships and expands the worlds for their clients. To reduce what day programs do to "babysitting" hurt to read. I expected that you understood. It is both disrespectful to my daughter and others who need day programming, and it further silos the larger community of people with disabilities. I believe we need to stand together, cheer on each other, support the needs of all of our children and young adult, not just those in our own children's niche. If we don't support and respect each other, how can we expect the typical world to ever understand and support our children?

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Thank you so much for your Substack and your new venture! My husband and I are raising our 13 year old Autistic grandson and I will be following your work for help in the coming years. Our grandson while Autistic, is developmentally disabled but not deemed intellectually disabled. So far we have found that many resources in our area seem more focused on those with Autism who are intellectually disabled. Finding this is like finding water in the desert.

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