If you are using Quizlet, I might switch to Anki (full disclosure: I am heavily biased here since my extension is on there). Still, the main thing for me is privacy and the algorithm. For example, if you google "spaced repetition anki," you can learn much more in less time if you consistently do the cards when they are due. Also, there was that time when people discovered the US nuclear missile locations because the generals were learning the "secret phrases" using Quizlet.


Also, here is my add-on! https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/652842715

It is finally launched. The YouTube video link is in there as well at the top. Otherwise, you can search for "Itanki and Ankiego Method: Version 2.0" on Youtube. Yes, it is a pun on my name and the developer I hired. I slept very little, so I will finish with I hope learning to read better goes well. Reading is super fun; when you are good at it, you can learn whatever you want. There are computer books by great programmers like Gerald Sussman, Paul Graham, Donald Knuth, etc., whose books have no audio version. Bill Gates still hires anyone who has read Knuth's Magnum opus and understands it. https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-loves-donald-knuth-the-art-of-computer-programming-2016-4

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Also, I would go one page at a time. I don't think speed matters, but understanding does. And then, you can use flashcards to learn the important facts after you understand the concepts.

I don't know what your reading level is. Still, I like to read a paper by Warren Buffett's partner Charlie Munger "The Psychology of Human Misjudgement." It is really good and explains a lot. You can find a rare recording of it online on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv7sLrON7QY

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