Temple Grandin once said we need to put more emphasis on what a child can do instead of what a child can’t do. One of my biggest pet peeves is that our children are always told what they can’t do instead of being asked what they want to do and then helping them find a way to do it. Congrats to you all.
Yes. Nobody asked my son want he wanted to do, or cared. He was written off as “autistic/no future” by the public school system long ago. We’re still filling in the gaps in his education. My son is forging his own future with hard work and intelligence. I’m so proud of him.
Huge CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful update and opportunity for Ian especially. So much hard work past, present, and future. Enjoy the drop-off, the set-up, the worry, and the pubs! You've all got this. :)
Thank you!
I love this. As the mom of a daughter with NVLD and epilepsy, about to graduate from high school, your journey gives me hope!
Temple Grandin once said we need to put more emphasis on what a child can do instead of what a child can’t do. One of my biggest pet peeves is that our children are always told what they can’t do instead of being asked what they want to do and then helping them find a way to do it. Congrats to you all.
Yes. Nobody asked my son want he wanted to do, or cared. He was written off as “autistic/no future” by the public school system long ago. We’re still filling in the gaps in his education. My son is forging his own future with hard work and intelligence. I’m so proud of him.
Huge CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful update and opportunity for Ian especially. So much hard work past, present, and future. Enjoy the drop-off, the set-up, the worry, and the pubs! You've all got this. :)
Thank you, Kris!!